Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Do I have an aim in life?

One young girl commented in her facebook that one needs to have an aim in life. She 'lamented' over others (older folks), who seemingly is still asking this basic question - 'What is our aim in life?' Although this seems to be a relatively simple question, it is wrought with many distractions and life inconveniences to maintain on track. We do not see rainbows daily.

Do I have an aim in life? We hear about living a purposeful life and it being purposefully driven...and i wonder is Man capable of this nobility apart from life that is not self-centered. Otherwise, all purposeful or aimful living at best is self-serving and its aim, ironically is going to be rather 'meaningless' and bound to follow the cries of Solomon unless one is a sworn disciple of Epicurus.

I rather ask a larger philosophical question, 'Who owns my life for it to be purposeful?' Anyway, to the young girl, my thoughts to her is to keep the flame alive while she can as life can have multiple aims and hopefully, a singular purpose - on earth as it is in eternity.


Wednesday, May 20, 2009


We like to complicate what is simple.

Perhaps it is the way we like to build, as we learn in education, to start with a simple idea and then building it to a more complex thought and then formulate a plan and of course, see to its execution. In almost every domain in human life, it works that way making us distinctly different as homo sapiens. That is also the way we sometimes measure success. Ironically, education brings us quite far into this and then towards the end of University education, we are again taught or encourage to think and reconsider some of our basic presuppositions. Hmmm...isn't that quite tricky?

Complex as we are, I think we still fail to communciate what insects or other creatures are quite capable of....I think it is our ability to store past information but somehow lose the ability to process, albeit properly, when new information is processed with us preconceived or biased ideas. Not too good... not too good.... I wonder if the insect or animal kingdom stores and processes infomation the way we do, will it affect their divorce or separation rates? I guess it is better they remain that way and we better kowtow to some of their better and simpler attitude towards life.

This spins beyond education. It affects human relationship and....you can go figure.

Somehow the voice within is most reliable, as it has always guided us..."Be simple". I guess life is truly a big circle and the earlier we return to the starting point, the better. Isn't life great? hmmm... some of my thoughts before lunch...i may be hypoglycaemic. Have a good lunch today...go enjoy.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Deception of time

There can never be a "now" moment since now is already history and ceases to be now. Since there is now no now and the future is soon history, then time cannot be processed in relation to reality, the way we now do. Even as you read this, it passes through the passage of time and it is history even before your thought is formed, let alone developing an understanding and meaning in what you read. But read, we must as we live on...

Our understanding of nanoseconds does not change this phenomenon. It explodes.

It is silly to say, like many, that life begins at 21, 30, 40 or any age for sake of argument. We must learn to see and appreciate life, independent of time, as consciousness allows us. Even what our body and mind informs us is finite and not perfect since true being cannot be housed in this tent as it soon fades away too. However hard we try to fire our muscles to submission, push our minds to greater frontiers, possess a heart of gold...it will soon vanish, without hope.

In this state, man is indeed pathetic. Man can deny the reality with the power of language and delays reality with the power of science but all man alike, even Solomon, lies down to the ground.
I'm hoping that life does not end there. Let me explore the message on resurrection. If it is true, OMG ( I just learnt this acronym to mean Oh my God!), then experiencing it is probably the most important thing in life, as Saint Paul has rightly put it for us.

God bless mankind - America, China, India, Japan, Korea, Singapore and everyone we love. I have not loved my enemies yet. I shall try.

Monday, March 16, 2009


Life without passion is meaningless. I read the papers recently. Singapore is now the 10th most expensive place to live in. I wonder how can I trade my livelihood for a passion so endearing.

I degenerate at work. It is a passionless work but it clears all my credit bills! How less can I exchange that for the price of passion. Does that mean I am less passionate about my passion? People do trade at a cost that seems so unrealistic. I suspect, apart from those spiritual giants, that these do have a form of passive income to rely on since faith apart from God seems too far fetched in a modern world like ours.

My life begins after work. I teach and enjoys the exchange with adult learners. I can go on for hours without feeling the clock go by. I love to see them grow and sharing their experience in class and with one another. Even though class ends at 10pm, it makes me feel satisfied and good. I finally put in my application for another degree with UniSIM and hopefully, it can turn my fate. Hopefully...

So much for passion. Let me work at it. It is all in a day's work.

Friday, March 13, 2009


People who usually want to write can write. So write.

Let me settle some myths for myself before I begin this journey. Firstly, I do not need to have perfect English to begin. Thoughts are more important. Polishing comes later. Also, I do not need to know what to write to start writing. Ideas need time to germinate. I do not need to write to impress. Start for self and pleasure for others. At least, settle their curiousity. Lastly, I do not have anything to write. I must be joking. Look at the size of my brain, less the white matter. I'm amazed how my ideas are formed. Perhaps Sigmund Freud may have some answers there.

In any case, my writing is not plagiarized. It cannot be more original than the very expression in the formation of a thought.

It is true. At the speed of writing going on around us - from academic to notorious genre, do I need to burden with another? I guess if nothing else, it does prevent dementia and this is a small price to pay for a pleasure so intense!

Time to start reading up to hear what the experts have to say. It is never too late.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Life is about relationships.

It is so weaved the day we are born and becomes increasingly complex for simple living. Often, we think of relationship in terms of how others relate to us, less how we relate to others which often spells the beginning of trouble.

I conclude with the following convictions:
1. Some relationships are meant to be temporary, so don't hold on too long, let go.
2. Some relationships are meant to be permanent but God brings them home early, so let go.
3. Some relationships are meant to be illusional, so must let go
4. Some relationships are meant to stay, so hold on. Appreicate them
5. Some relationships are meant forever, seize the day.
6. Lastly, free-will is real so don't fight with the world or yourself. Relax and have a cup of tea.

I read somewhere and it says, "Man is least himself whenhe talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth - Oscar Wilde, writer (1854-1900).

Like I always say, "Life goes on until it stops, so live it". My advise, don't listen to what the lyrics of many songs, they lie and we believe. Believe in yourself and it will radiate like the day.

Hopefully, when the obituary offers us a space to make our last exit announcement, there is truly some individuals there to read, to feel, and to say some good nice (hopefully, not bad) things about us....haha

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

First time

There is always a first time in everything. Even lizards mate for the first time.

First time to notice something and a first time to learn new tricks. Perhaps a first kiss! We all know how on noticing the first sprouting of greying hair also comes along the inner voice to dissuade us from trying new things! This voice, though not audible, can be more instructive than the authoritative voices that are sometimes subscribe to. I wonder when this Voice was born, nurtured and even take on an assuming position in my life!! hmmmm...

Let's take cycling as an example. It may surprise many, myself included, that I actually do not know how to cycle - at least in making turns, a month ago. Familiar voice says, "You may fall and you'll too old, you will laughed!....." One fine day and with two friends, I begin to challenge myself and asking relatively simple and logical questions how this 'handicap' should remain. So it happen, almost in a moment of cerebral supra-control take over moment - open my wallet, swipe my card and carried home a $800 bicycle. About a month later, I'm moving around with some ease and I pat myself for this achievement. I can think of several more new first-times!

I wonder how many of us misses our first-time expereince that actually promises us something beautiful ahead. I think we have such capacity as humans to rebound and do many new things that we never dream possible. Let's resurrect our inner-inner voice and live the life as intended.

What is holding us back? To me, life goes on until it ends, so live it. Even writing this blog is my first time and I have to silence the voice before it has a speaking opportunity!! I will know when the voice can be heard again...