Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Do I have an aim in life?

One young girl commented in her facebook that one needs to have an aim in life. She 'lamented' over others (older folks), who seemingly is still asking this basic question - 'What is our aim in life?' Although this seems to be a relatively simple question, it is wrought with many distractions and life inconveniences to maintain on track. We do not see rainbows daily.

Do I have an aim in life? We hear about living a purposeful life and it being purposefully driven...and i wonder is Man capable of this nobility apart from life that is not self-centered. Otherwise, all purposeful or aimful living at best is self-serving and its aim, ironically is going to be rather 'meaningless' and bound to follow the cries of Solomon unless one is a sworn disciple of Epicurus.

I rather ask a larger philosophical question, 'Who owns my life for it to be purposeful?' Anyway, to the young girl, my thoughts to her is to keep the flame alive while she can as life can have multiple aims and hopefully, a singular purpose - on earth as it is in eternity.


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